模組 Bundler
透過追蹤和安裝專案所需的精確寶石和版本,為 Ruby 專案提供一致的環境。
是 Ruby 標準函式庫的一部分。
使用 Bundler
的方式是建立列出所有專案相依性的 gemfiles(並(選擇性地)列出其版本),然後使用
require 'bundler/setup'
或 Bundler.setup
有關 gemfile 建立和 Bundler
使用的詳細文件,請參閱 Bundler 網站。
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 322 def app_cache(custom_path = nil) path = custom_path || root Pathname.new(path).join(settings.app_cache_path) end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 308 def app_config_path if app_config = ENV["BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG"] app_config_pathname = Pathname.new(app_config) if app_config_pathname.absolute? app_config_pathname else app_config_pathname.expand_path(root) end else root.join(".bundle") end end
傳回 binstubs 安裝位置的絕對路徑。
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 116 def bin_path @bin_path ||= begin path = settings[:bin] || "bin" path = Pathname.new(path).expand_path(root).expand_path mkdir_p(path) path end end
傳回檔案系統上安裝 gem 的絕對路徑。
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 98 def bundle_path @bundle_path ||= Pathname.new(configured_bundle_path.path).expand_path(root) end
@已棄用 請改用「unbundled_env`
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 348 def clean_env message = "`Bundler.clean_env` has been deprecated in favor of `Bundler.unbundled_env`. " \ "If you instead want the environment before bundler was originally loaded, use `Bundler.original_env`" removed_message = "`Bundler.clean_env` has been removed in favor of `Bundler.unbundled_env`. " \ "If you instead want the environment before bundler was originally loaded, use `Bundler.original_env`" Bundler::SharedHelpers.major_deprecation(2, message, removed_message: removed_message, print_caller_location: true) unbundled_env end
@已棄用 請改用「unbundled_exec`
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 435 def clean_exec(*args) message = "`Bundler.clean_exec` has been deprecated in favor of `Bundler.unbundled_exec`. " \ "If you instead want to exec to a command in the environment before bundler was originally loaded, use `Bundler.original_exec`" removed_message = "`Bundler.clean_exec` has been removed in favor of `Bundler.unbundled_exec`. " \ "If you instead want to exec to a command in the environment before bundler was originally loaded, use `Bundler.original_exec`" Bundler::SharedHelpers.major_deprecation(2, message, removed_message: removed_message, print_caller_location: true) with_env(unbundled_env) { Kernel.exec(*args) } end
@已棄用 請改用「unbundled_system`
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 413 def clean_system(*args) message = "`Bundler.clean_system` has been deprecated in favor of `Bundler.unbundled_system`. " \ "If you instead want to run the command in the environment before bundler was originally loaded, use `Bundler.original_system`" removed_message = "`Bundler.clean_system` has been removed in favor of `Bundler.unbundled_system`. " \ "If you instead want to run the command in the environment before bundler was originally loaded, use `Bundler.original_system`" Bundler::SharedHelpers.major_deprecation(2, message, removed_message: removed_message, print_caller_location: true) with_env(unbundled_env) { Kernel.system(*args) } end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 550 def clear_gemspec_cache @gemspec_cache = {} end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 84 def configure @configure ||= configure_gem_home_and_path end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 596 def configure_gem_home_and_path(path = bundle_path) configure_gem_path configure_gem_home(path) Bundler.rubygems.clear_paths end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 111 def configured_bundle_path @configured_bundle_path ||= settings.path.tap(&:validate!) end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 102 def create_bundle_path mkdir_p(bundle_path) unless bundle_path.exist? @bundle_path = bundle_path.realpath rescue Errno::EEXIST raise PathError, "Could not install to path `#{bundle_path}` " \ "because a file already exists at that path. Either remove or rename the file so the directory can be created." end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 464 def default_bundle_dir SharedHelpers.default_bundle_dir end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 456 def default_gemfile SharedHelpers.default_gemfile end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 460 def default_lockfile SharedHelpers.default_lockfile end
傳回給定 Gemfile 和 lockfile 的 Bundler::Definition 實例
@param unlock [Hash, Boolean, nil] 已要求的 gem
to be updated or true if all gems should be updated
@param lockfile [Pathname] Gemfile.lock 的路徑 @return [Bundler::Definition]
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 205 def definition(unlock = nil, lockfile = default_lockfile) @definition = nil if unlock @definition ||= begin configure Definition.build(default_gemfile, lockfile, unlock) end end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 194 def environment SharedHelpers.major_deprecation 2, "Bundler.environment has been removed in favor of Bundler.load", print_caller_location: true load end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 559 def feature_flag @feature_flag ||= FeatureFlag.new(VERSION) end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 213 def frozen_bundle? frozen = settings[:frozen] return frozen unless frozen.nil? settings[:deployment] end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 554 def git_present? return @git_present if defined?(@git_present) @git_present = Bundler.which("git#{RbConfig::CONFIG["EXEEXT"]}") end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 286 def home bundle_path.join("bundler") end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 290 def install_path home.join("gems") end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 190 def load @load ||= Runtime.new(root, definition) end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 523 def load_gemspec(file, validate = false) @gemspec_cache ||= {} key = File.expand_path(file) @gemspec_cache[key] ||= load_gemspec_uncached(file, validate) # Protect against caching side-effected gemspecs by returning a # new instance each time. @gemspec_cache[key]&.dup end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 532 def load_gemspec_uncached(file, validate = false) path = Pathname.new(file) contents = read_file(file) spec = if contents.start_with?("---") # YAML header eval_yaml_gemspec(path, contents) else # Eval the gemspec from its parent directory, because some gemspecs # depend on "./" relative paths. SharedHelpers.chdir(path.dirname.to_s) do eval_gemspec(path, contents) end end return unless spec spec.loaded_from = path.expand_path.to_s Bundler.rubygems.validate(spec) if validate spec end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 451 def local_platform return Gem::Platform::RUBY if settings[:force_ruby_platform] Gem::Platform.local end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 220 def locked_gems @locked_gems ||= if defined?(@definition) && @definition definition.locked_gems elsif Bundler.default_lockfile.file? lock = Bundler.read_file(Bundler.default_lockfile) LockfileParser.new(lock) end end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 485 def mkdir_p(path) SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(path, :write) do |p| FileUtils.mkdir_p(p) end end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 230 def most_specific_locked_platform?(platform) return false unless defined?(@definition) && @definition definition.most_specific_locked_platform == platform end
@return [Hash] 在 Bundler
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 343 def original_env ORIGINAL_ENV.clone end
使用在 Bundler
啟動前存在的環境,執行子命令的 `Kernel.exec`
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 430 def original_exec(*args) with_original_env { Kernel.exec(*args) } end
使用在 Bundler
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 408 def original_system(*args) with_original_env { Kernel.system(*args) } end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 477 def preferred_gemfile_name Bundler.settings[:init_gems_rb] ? "gems.rb" : "Gemfile" end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 504 def read_file(file) SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(file, :read) do File.open(file, "r:UTF-8", &:read) end end
設定 Bundler
環境(請參閱 Bundler.setup
),如果尚未設定,並載入指定群組中的所有寶石。與 ::setup
假設 Gemfile
gem 'first_gem', '= 1.0' group :test do gem 'second_gem', '= 1.0' end
Bundler.setup # allow all groups Bundler.require(:default) # requires only first_gem # ...later Bundler.require(:test) # requires second_gem
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 186 def require(*groups) setup(*groups).require(*groups) end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 563 def reset! reset_paths! Plugin.reset! reset_rubygems! end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 574 def reset_paths! @bin_path = nil @bundler_major_version = nil @bundle_path = nil @configure = nil @configured_bundle_path = nil @definition = nil @load = nil @locked_gems = nil @root = nil @settings = nil @setup = nil @user_home = nil end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 589 def reset_rubygems! return unless defined?(@rubygems) && @rubygems rubygems.undo_replacements rubygems.reset @rubygems = nil end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 569 def reset_settings_and_root! @settings = nil @root = nil end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 332 def rm_rf(path) FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(path) if path && File.exist?(path) end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 298 def root @root ||= begin SharedHelpers.root rescue GemfileNotFound bundle_dir = default_bundle_dir raise GemfileNotFound, "Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle/ directory" unless bundle_dir Pathname.new(File.expand_path("..", bundle_dir)) end end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 236 def ruby_scope "#{Bundler.rubygems.ruby_engine}/#{RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"]}" end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 510 def safe_load_marshal(data) if Gem.respond_to?(:load_safe_marshal) Gem.load_safe_marshal begin Gem::SafeMarshal.safe_load(data) rescue Gem::SafeMarshal::Reader::Error, Gem::SafeMarshal::Visitors::ToRuby::Error => e raise MarshalError, "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" end else load_marshal(data, marshal_proc: SafeMarshal.proc) end end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 602 def self_manager @self_manager ||= begin require_relative "bundler/self_manager" Bundler::SelfManager.new end end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 336 def settings @settings ||= Settings.new(app_config_path) rescue GemfileNotFound @settings = Settings.new(Pathname.new(".bundle").expand_path) end
開啟 Bundler
執行時間。在呼叫 Bundler.setup
之後,只有 Gemfile 或 Ruby 標準程式庫中的 gem 才允許 load
或 require
。如果在 Gemfile 中指定版本,則只會載入那些版本。
假設 Gemfile
gem 'first_gem', '= 1.0' group :test do gem 'second_gem', '= 1.0' end
使用 Bundler.setup
require 'third_gem' # allowed, required from global gems require 'first_gem' # allowed, loads the last installed version Bundler.setup require 'fourth_gem' # fails with LoadError require 'second_gem' # loads exactly version 1.0
如果提供 群組 清單,則只允許來自指定群組的 gem(在群組外指定的 gem 屬於特殊 :default
若要需要 Gemfile 中的所有 gem(或僅某些群組),請參閱 Bundler.require
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 152 def setup(*groups) # Return if all groups are already loaded return @setup if defined?(@setup) && @setup definition.validate_runtime! SharedHelpers.print_major_deprecations! if groups.empty? # Load all groups, but only once @setup = load.setup else load.setup(*groups) end end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 294 def specs_path bundle_path.join("specifications") end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 468 def system_bindir # Gem.bindir doesn't always return the location that RubyGems will install # system binaries. If you put '-n foo' in your .gemrc, RubyGems will # install binstubs there instead. Unfortunately, RubyGems doesn't expose # that directory at all, so rather than parse .gemrc ourselves, we allow # the directory to be set as well, via `bundle config set --local bindir foo`. Bundler.settings[:system_bindir] || Bundler.rubygems.gem_bindir end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 327 def tmp(name = Process.pid.to_s) Kernel.send(:require, "tmpdir") Pathname.new(Dir.mktmpdir(["bundler", name])) end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 88 def ui (defined?(@ui) && @ui) || (self.ui = UI::Shell.new) end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 92 def ui=(ui) Bundler.rubygems.ui = UI::RGProxy.new(ui) @ui = ui end
@return [Hash] 已移除所有與 bundler 相關變數的環境
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 360 def unbundled_env env = original_env if env.key?("BUNDLER_ORIG_MANPATH") env["MANPATH"] = env["BUNDLER_ORIG_MANPATH"] end env.delete_if {|k, _| k[0, 7] == "BUNDLE_" } if env.key?("RUBYOPT") rubyopt = env["RUBYOPT"].split(" ") rubyopt.delete("-r#{File.expand_path("bundler/setup", __dir__)}") rubyopt.delete("-rbundler/setup") env["RUBYOPT"] = rubyopt.join(" ") end if env.key?("RUBYLIB") rubylib = env["RUBYLIB"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) rubylib.delete(__dir__) env["RUBYLIB"] = rubylib.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end env end
在已移除所有與 bundler 相關變數的環境中執行 `Kernel.exec` 至子命令
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 447 def unbundled_exec(*args) with_env(unbundled_env) { Kernel.exec(*args) } end
在已移除所有與 bundler 相關變數的環境中執行子命令
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 425 def unbundled_system(*args) with_unbundled_env { Kernel.system(*args) } end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 481 def use_system_gems? configured_bundle_path.use_system_gems? end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 264 def user_bundle_path(dir = "home") env_var, fallback = case dir when "home" ["BUNDLE_USER_HOME", proc { Pathname.new(user_home).join(".bundle") }] when "cache" ["BUNDLE_USER_CACHE", proc { user_bundle_path.join("cache") }] when "config" ["BUNDLE_USER_CONFIG", proc { user_bundle_path.join("config") }] when "plugin" ["BUNDLE_USER_PLUGIN", proc { user_bundle_path.join("plugin") }] else raise BundlerError, "Unknown user path requested: #{dir}" end # `fallback` will already be a Pathname, but Pathname.new() is # idempotent so it's OK Pathname.new(ENV.fetch(env_var, &fallback)) end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 282 def user_cache user_bundle_path("cache") end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 240 def user_home @user_home ||= begin home = Bundler.rubygems.user_home bundle_home = home ? File.join(home, ".bundle") : nil warning = if home.nil? "Your home directory is not set." elsif !File.directory?(home) "`#{home}` is not a directory." elsif !File.writable?(home) && (!File.directory?(bundle_home) || !File.writable?(bundle_home)) "`#{home}` is not writable." end if warning Bundler.ui.warn "#{warning}\n" user_home = tmp_home_path Bundler.ui.warn "Bundler will use `#{user_home}' as your home directory temporarily.\n" user_home else Pathname.new(home) end end end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 491 def which(executable) if File.file?(executable) && File.executable?(executable) executable elsif paths = ENV["PATH"] quote = '"' paths.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).find do |path| path = path[1..-2] if path.start_with?(quote) && path.end_with?(quote) executable_path = File.expand_path(executable, path) return executable_path if File.file?(executable_path) && File.executable?(executable_path) end end end
@deprecated 使用「with_unbundled_env`
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 391 def with_clean_env message = "`Bundler.with_clean_env` has been deprecated in favor of `Bundler.with_unbundled_env`. " \ "If you instead want the environment before bundler was originally loaded, use `Bundler.with_original_env`" removed_message = "`Bundler.with_clean_env` has been removed in favor of `Bundler.with_unbundled_env`. " \ "If you instead want the environment before bundler was originally loaded, use `Bundler.with_original_env`" Bundler::SharedHelpers.major_deprecation(2, message, removed_message: removed_message, print_caller_location: true) with_env(unbundled_env) { yield } end
在 Bundler
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 386 def with_original_env with_env(original_env) { yield } end
移除所有與 bundler 相關的變數,並執行區塊
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 403 def with_unbundled_env with_env(unbundled_env) { yield } end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 642 def configure_gem_home(path) Bundler::SharedHelpers.set_env "GEM_HOME", path.to_s end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 633 def configure_gem_path unless use_system_gems? # this needs to be empty string to cause # PathSupport.split_gem_path to only load up the # Bundler --path setting as the GEM_PATH. Bundler::SharedHelpers.set_env "GEM_PATH", "" end end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 625 def eval_gemspec(path, contents) eval(contents, TOPLEVEL_BINDING.dup, path.expand_path.to_s) rescue ScriptError, StandardError => e msg = "There was an error while loading `#{path.basename}`: #{e.message}" raise GemspecError, Dsl::DSLError.new(msg, path, e.backtrace, contents) end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 617 def eval_yaml_gemspec(path, contents) Kernel.require "psych" Gem::Specification.from_yaml(contents) rescue ::Psych::SyntaxError, ArgumentError, Gem::EndOfYAMLException, Gem::Exception eval_gemspec(path, contents) end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 611 def load_marshal(data, marshal_proc: nil) Marshal.load(data, marshal_proc) rescue TypeError => e raise MarshalError, "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" end
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 646 def tmp_home_path Kernel.send(:require, "tmpdir") SharedHelpers.filesystem_access(Dir.tmpdir) do path = Bundler.tmp at_exit { Bundler.rm_rf(path) } path end end
@param env [Hash]
# File lib/bundler.rb, line 656 def with_env(env) backup = ENV.to_hash ENV.replace(env) yield ensure ENV.replace(backup) end